Unlike the mass-produced, low-quality cigars you may be familiar with premium hand rolled cigars are made using only tobacco and a natural, plant-based solution applied to the end. This prevents the nicotine and other chemicals from entering the lungs and being absorbed into the bloodstream. Instead, the tobacco is absorbed through the mouth and into the digestive tract. This allows you to enjoy a quality smoke that lasts for over an hour.
A quality Premium Cigar is made with high-quality, well-aged tobacco, a premium cigar should be expertly rolled and properly cured. A poorly constructed cigar will draw and burn unevenly, which will greatly diminish the experience of smoking one. In addition, the proper aging process for premium cigars is a lengthy, delicate process that requires care and attention to detail.
Smoking a Premium Cigar
First, remove the cigar from its cellophane or paper sleeve and cut it with a cigar cutter on the closed end. The cap is the small section at the very tip of the cigar and is sealed off to protect the tobacco inside. It is recommended to use a cigar cutter with a sharp blade.
Using a butane lighter or wooden matches, toast the cigar with the flame until the center turns to an even gray ember and the outer edges turn black. This allows the Premium cigar to draw and burn evenly. It is also important to take time between puffs, as if you puff too quickly it may cause the cigar to go out or can create irreversible tainting of the flavors.