OHM Pipe Tobacco and Filtered Cigars are manufactured by Inter-Continental Trading USA Inc., in Chicago, Illinois. Each bag of tobacco and each filtered cigar is packed full of the finest American-grown tobaccos available. Famous for its bold flavors, this tobacco has a strong aroma and smoke. Each bag is made from a thick, tear-resistant plastic to ensure that your tobacco is as fresh as the day it was packed.
Tobacco General offers the widest variety of OHM Premium Pipe tobacco flavors in an large assortment of sizes. The flavors we carry are: Bold, Blue, Menthol, Menthol Gold, Silver, Natural, Turkish Red, and Turkish Yellow. Each flavor is available in a variety of sizes from tiny 1 oz. bags to large 5 Lb. bulk packs. Of course the most popular size, the 16 oz. 1 LB pack is available as well.