Simple answer: Maybe,but it's an easy fix!
During the tobacco packing and manufacturing process,raw tobacco gets sent through re-dryers to remove all moisture. Later on in the process,moisture is added per product and brand specifications. This is true for most,if not all Pipe Tobacco's on the market today.
What does all that mean? Well,in most cases tobacco is packed based on net weight. It is to your advantage to buy dryer tobacco,because you are getting more for your money. If,however the tobacco is too dry for your tastes there are a number of solutions to this common problem.
Best method is to use a mist/spray bottle filled with water and lightly spray the tobacco inside the pouch. Zip the pouch back up and leave it to sit for an hour or two. This should be enough time to notice a significant difference in the tobacco. Just be careful not to over do it. It is much easier to add moisture to tobacco than to remove it. Just repeat the process until the tobacco is to you liking.